Humint Events Online: On 9/11 Skepticism

Saturday, September 18, 2004

On 9/11 Skepticism

On the one hand, I sometimes worry about the fact that I believe in a 9/11 government "conspiracy". However, I just can't deny the the facts I know.

On the other hand, I am shocked, saddened and somewhat amazed more people in this country aren't skeptical of the official 9/11 story. I am basing this lack of skepticism primarily on President Bush's polling numbers for the upcoming election. My assumption, which I think is reasonable, is that if a person supports President Bush, they basically buy into the whole 9/11 mythology, including the whole pile of crap called the Iraq war. I see these people as either complete idiots, or people who are not dumb but are woefully misinformed.

Yet if someone really studies the evidence with an open mind, they will essentially have to conclude the official 9/11 story is at least partially wrong and there was very likely some government conspiracy to allow the attacks.

The odd thing is so many Bush supporters are happy to use 9/11 as a justification for everything crappy that has happened in the last three years, yet for something so very important, these people are remarkably incurious about the attacks themselves. It is almost as if 9/11 was just branded into their minds as some kind of circuit where 9/11 emotions can be turned on and off, but this circuit will not allow any other thoughts about 9/11.

The question is if significant numbers of people can be swayed to think more about what happened that day. I supose we can make an analogy to the Kennedy assassination-- where everyone was shocked and horrified as soon as they heard of the killing-- but forty years later, a majority of Americans believe there was a conspiracy to kill him and the Warren report was wrong.

I just hope we don't have to wait forty years to get to that point for 9/11, and I think it is likely things will move more quickly for 9/11.


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