Humint Events Online: Regarding the "Official" Hijacking Scenario

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Regarding the "Official" Hijacking Scenario

Please note regarding the last post-- the biggest reason that I find it unlikely that the "official" scenario -- that the hijackers piloted the planes themselves-- is wrong is because of other overwhelming evidence that US intelligence was involved in the plot. Thus, since they knew of the plot, is there really any chance they would randomly let terrorists take control of airplanes and crash into buildings? Even if they knew the terrorists would attack the WTC and the Pentagon, could they be sure that the terrorists wouldn't change their mind and attack something the controllers didn't want attacked-- such as the White House or a heavily occupied portion of the Pentagon? After all, would you trust a terrorist? Thus, I find it highly unlikely the controllers let the terrorists pilot the planes.

The fact that the terrorists really couldn't fly jumbo jets and the fact that hijacking a plane with knives and boxcutters isn't easy is really secondary.


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