Humint Events Online: Top Ten Signs of the Impending U.S. Police State

Friday, May 26, 2006

Top Ten Signs of the Impending U.S. Police State

1) The Internet Clampdown
2) "The Long War"
3) The USA Patriot Act
4) Prison Camps being built
5) Touchscreen Voting Machines
6) Bush's signing statements
7) Warrantless wiretapping
8) "Free Speech Zones"
9) High-ranking whistleblowers denouncing the Bush administration
10) the CIA shake-up

From here, with more explanation.

I am honestly an optimist by nature. I highly doubt there will be a full-blown police-state in the near future. But these are clearly worrisome developments, and it is better to be aware of the possibilities here. I think what can be said with some certainty is that the authorities are setting the stage for a police state, to deploy it if need be in the future.

"The Long War" meme is one that personally bothers me a great deal, particularly since the enemy is so clearly bogus.

P.S. the FBI raid on a Congressman's office, something that has never happened before in our nations' history, is a rather disturbing addition to this trend, and hints at serious executive over-reach. And I am in no way defending the crimes the Congressman appears to have committed. Some interesting thoughts on the FBI's hsitory and actions here.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

optimist or not, there are alot of strange things going on...

2:39 PM  

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