Humint Events Online: A Shill Exposes Itself as a Shill

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

A Shill Exposes Itself as a Shill

In this post here, "anonymous" says:

I am rolling on the floor here. Here we have arguably the number one Moonbat in the world, the leading Idiot of a village of idiots, the lunatic who can [sic?] even explain herself when interviewed by ANOTHER moonbat, the moron who believes an energy beam laser Destructo ray, whose energy source she can't explain even if there WAS enough energy to accomplish what she claims in her fervent mind, was the reason for this, is accusing NIST of projecting information that is wrong.

THAT has got to be the tip...the very apex...the summit of complete insanity. Those NIST scientists and engineers will eat her alive - IF they even care to respond. Its [sic] been my experince [sic] that professional organizations such as NIST does [sic] not respond to idiots and lunatics.

It is very interesting this "anonymous" (who sounds just like old-time troll "Pinch") brings up the energy source.


Because, according to the official story (which this person apparently is supporting as they call anyone who supports WTC demolition a "moonbat"), NO EXTRA ENERGY AT ALL WAS REQUIRED TO SEE WHAT HAPPENED AT THE WTC!!! The official story is that all the pulverization, the complete demolition of these huge steel-framed towers, was from jet-fuel and office content fires plus gravity!

So why ON EARTH is this obnoxious person worried about how much energy Judy Wood's hypothetical beam weapon needs???? If this person thinks enough energy was already in the system, how can they rule out that Judy Wood's hypothetical beam weapon adds just enough extra energy, a relatively small amount of extra energy, that completely pulverizes the buildings in the manner observed-- with most of the energy already present in the system?

They can't.

In other words, why would someone who thinks that no extra energy was required to bring down the towers, be worried about how much energy a hypothetical beam weapon would use to bring down the towers?

That is some pretty awesome double-think there.

But-- basically this person gave themselves away as a shill, by admitting what happened at the WTC required far too much energy than can be accounted for by the official story!

This person knows damn well that the official story is a pack of lies.

And is our shill also the crazy one here? Perhaps from all that double-think? After all, the person admitted, "Its [sic] been my experince [sic] that professional organizations such as NIST does [sic] not respond to idiots and lunatics."

I wonder how they knew that?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You said what I was thinking. Like the people who say it would take an unbelievable amount of explosives in too many places detonated with precision that could leave no room for error in order to completely bring down a WTC tower. Either that, or you just smack a plane into it.

12:32 AM  
Blogger spooked said...

Like the people who say it would take an unbelievable amount of explosives in too many places detonated with precision that could leave no room for error in order to completely bring down a WTC tower. Either that, or you just smack a plane into it.

Exactly, Magnus.

10:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Beam weapons require 5 times the amount of energy available on earth to smash a building. That's why the terrorists use planes. Plane crashes create 10 times the total power output of the earth. In fact, if you go to an airport, you'll clearly see 1000 times the amount power on Earth.

Greg Jenkins and Pinch are probably the same shill, pushing the same bullshit. Steven Jones looks stupid associating with people like Greg Jenkins.

11:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gosh you folks here are amusing. It's like I burst into an online hospital ward for kooks.

3:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Online kooks"

You got it, "passing thru". This place is without a doubt Kook Central at the Home for Clueless Kooks.

Seriously, stick around and see what they come up with next. We're already up to nuclear weapons bringing the towers down - I guess the aforementioned Super Duper Destructo Space Based or Woolworth Building Based Killer Laser Beam wasn't enough.

4:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Spooky!

Yer doin' great, buddy! I particularly like the "overlap" you are talking about between the Destructo laser beams and your nukes. The more wacked out theories, the better!

I'd post more but I'm in London this week, huddling with Tony and his boys to make sure that the International Moonbat effect doesn't get TOO out of hand.

I'll hoist a cold lager for you and your slavish toe-sucking minions!


5:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you should hoist a cold lager for poor edna cintron instead, since it was supposedly hot enough to deform the steel of the wtc right where she was standing.

10:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great idea! I'll honor her memory with that cold one as I have honored her memory by exposing the assholes and liars you freaks are.

3:32 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ya good one pinch!
the only thing exposed is the official govt 9/11 fairytale and your continued pretense that you believe it.

10:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Beam weapons require 5 times the amount of energy available on earth to smash a building"

Ever heard of scalor weapons? EM technology? Google H.a.a.r.p.

To all "believers" of the official story:

Do you even wonder what kind of odds Vegas would put on even 1 skyscraper collapsing perfectly into itself, without the aid of demolitions?
And we all saw 2 collapse perfectly into themselves.


"Don't fret prescious, I'm here.
Step away from the window,
and go, back to sleep.
Safe from pain
and every poisoned arrow.
See, they don't give a fuck about you"

12:28 PM  

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