Humint Events Online: The Epitome of the Intel Agency Control of the “911truth” forums/blogs-- The Anatomy of the Big Lie to Hide the Nuking of the WTC on 9/11

Saturday, March 08, 2008

The Epitome of the Intel Agency Control of the “911truth” forums/blogs-- The Anatomy of the Big Lie to Hide the Nuking of the WTC on 9/11

By The Anonymous Physicist

On 2/25/2008, 911blogger ran a piece that had structural engineer, Dr. Abolhassan Astaneh-Asl citing evidence from the WTC rubble that could only honestly be interpreted as coming from the use of a nuclear weapon.

The 911blogger piece states, “Astaneh-Asl, [who is said to have arrived at the WTC site on 9/19/01 for a two week study], said that steel flanges “"had been reduced from an inch thick to paper thin."” At a recycling center in New Jersey, he saw 10-ton steel beams from the towers that “"looked like giant sticks of twisted licorice."” He showed the San Francisco Chronicle a “"banana-shaped, rust-colored piece of steel”" that had somehow “"twisted like toffee during the terrorist attack."” He noted the way steel from the WTC had bent at several connection points that had joined the floors to the vertical columns…In an interview in 2007, Astaneh-Asl recalled, “"I saw melting of girders in [the] World Trade Center.”"He found a foot-long twisted shard of steel that was "like a piece of bread, but it was high-strength steel.”" He commented, “"I haven't seen anything like this [before]."” He came across "”severely scorched [steel] members from 40 or so floors below the points of impact [by the planes]."” The fireproofing that had been used to protect the WTC steel also showed evidence of extreme conditions. In some places it had "melted into a glassy residue." Astaneh-Asl saw a charred I-beam from WTC Building 7-- a 47-story skyscraper that collapsed late in the afternoon of 9/11, even though no plane hit it. "”The beam, so named because its cross-section looks like a capital I, had clearly endured searing temperatures. Parts of the flat top of the I, once five-eighths of an inch thick, had vaporized."”

The 911blogger piece says that Astaneh-Asl concludes that fire brought down the towers, and cleverly disagrees with that “conclusion.” I note that the piece states that Astaneh-Asl-- an Iranian engineer teaching at Berkeley-- was picked as part of a team by the American Society of Civil Engineers. This is the forever reputation-destroyed organization that printed the blatant falsifications of Seffen and Bazant, that I and Spooked have proven to be impossible and of which my dust size analysis demonstrated blatant lying about the evidence.

Now 911Blogger adds this hangout to the quotes of Dr. Astaneh-Asl, “This appears to be further evidence that high-temperature explosives, such as thermate, were used to bring down the towers.” This is added despite no quote from Astaneh-Asl on thermite, and that this would be despite the fact that the vaporization of the steel, and the other evidence cited, indicate both vastly higher temperatures were present than thermite/thermate/super-duper thermate could generate, AND stating that “steel flanges had been reduced from an inch thick to paper thin" could only arise from the million degree heat and/or the neutron bombardment from nukes. Notice also how this evidence agrees with my citation from WTC engineer, Mike Pecoraro, who said he and a colleague present in the sub-basement of WTC1 on 9/11 were astonished to see a steel and concrete fire door that weighed about 300 pounds, wrinkled up like a piece of aluminum foil" after a sub-basement explosion timed to coincide with the “plane hit” explosion above.
Again only neutron bombardment and/or temperatures far beyond “thermite” could have done that, as well as completely vaporize over a thousand people, and much of the other contents of the towers.

So we see how the intel agencies have acted since the beginning. The PTB, and their intel agencies’ top dogs, knew that nuclear bombs were used to destroy the WTC on 911. False “911truth” blogs, websites, and forums would be set up to masquerade as searching for the truth, and admitting the government’s official story is wrong. These websites, would be added as needed to the already established “conspiracy” or “conspiracy debunking” websites, forums etc.-- the virtual entirety of these already present on the internet, were also controlled by the intel agencies. The number of Brits included in the old and the new Conspiracy forums/blogs is an indication of MI6 control.

Now all these blogs, forums, sites would be used to--
1. censor all evidence that nukes were used on 9/11, and that the China Syndrome resulted, and
2. Promote desperate limited hangouts instead.

A handful of intel agents would control those genuinely seeking the truth by insertion into the top of the 911truth field by the intel agencies, and by pushing the “yes, the OCT is wrong, and there was government involvement.” To help splinter, alienate etc. the 911truth community, various hangouts were created. These include the evidence-free DDT (DEW Disinfo Theory), the thermite hangout, and the perennial Jews/Zionists/Israelis hangout.

The heads of the DEW and thermite hangouts were waiting in the wings of the intel agencies, should the nuclear truth be released. When some of the Finnish military expert’s writings on the nuking of the WTC on 9/11 were translated into English and published at the Finnish website in 2005, the intel agencies felt they had to spring their agents into action. The ludicrous hangouts of DEW and thermite were released to the intel agency controlled “911truth” internet community, within a year or so of the Finn’s translations being printed on the net.

For the record, Spooked has told me that when this blog posted its first article on the nuking of the WTC he found his blog had been removed from 911blogger’s list of links! This is an apparent display of intel agency control of 911blogger to promote the ludicrous hangout of thermite, and the denial of the people’s access to the nuclear truth.

My numerous articles have destroyed these hangouts. See and As genuine scientists and engineers could prove the case for nukes, the thermite promoter, a nuclear physicist— and nuclear physicists would ordinarily know nothing abut thermite-- was inserted to try to head and control the scientists and engineers who might be genuine. Many of these scientists and engineers could not be genuine, else they would have left after seeing all the evidence of the nuking of the WTC, and of the obvious intel agent nature of their “leader.” His earlier work for the PTB in trying to disprove the validity of a great new energy source from water is clear for all to see. See this youtube piece originally titled, “Prof. [Steven] Jones from HeavyWaterGate - The War on Cold Fusion” Any engineer or scientist who allows him/herself to be led by such an obvious intel asset is him/herself suspect as being an intel asset for the thermite hangout—and, legally/criminally, an obstructor of Justice. Note, I have stated numerous times that thermite, etc. did not have the explosive power nor the temperature to have done what was done to the WTC towers, nor does thermite remain hot for months like Jones proclaims (it cools off in minutes or hours, as you can see on youtube), to hide the nuclear truth of the massive, six month long heat generation of the radioactive fragments (until removed) at the WTC--the China Syndrome.

Now-- right on cue-- two weeks after the 911blogger piece ran, takes the 911blogger scam piece and adds the Israeli hangout to the “thermite/thermate” hangout. Both of these hangouts pinpoint each website/blog as a total front for the MI6/Rome intel agency controllers of these sites/blogs. Rense may be the most popular conspiracy website in the world, and cleverly displays some good conspiracy material frequently. The other huge conspiracy blog (also with some good articles frequently) is that of Alex Jones, who also will never mention the China Syndrome, nor even the nuking of the WTC on 9/11. Instead he promotes the obvious intel agent, Steven Jones, and thermite. So you will never see my articles taken at these “Conspiracy” sites, as London/Rome do not want Americans and the world to see all the proof of the nuking of New York City, and the China Syndrome aftermath. Only MI6/CIA/Rome approved articles, and authors, are posted at all the websites and blogs that these agencies control-- virtually all of the “conspiracy” and “911truth” blogs/forums. Rense did take some articles on the nuking of the WTC from someone with an M.D. degree (one year taken of college Physics for pre-meds--a course I, myself, taught at one University) who slanted everything again to the ludicrous and evidence-free “Dimona nukes” hangout.

Rense’s intel cover is blown with its ludicrous and daily, massive displays of anti-Semitism, and bird flu material. From Rense, one comes away with believing that only Jews and bird flu need worry us. Bird flu, numerous experts have said, is easily defeated with the body’s own simple fever, and thus by not taking aspirin, etc. Jews: well the German Nazis got their masses to think that their only worry was the “all powerful Jew pervading their country, society and economy.” Yes. the Jews were so powerful, they couldn’t keep themselves from virtual total extermination on the European continent. Fascinating that then-- as now-- the Jew hangout, kept the German people from finding out that “Hitler was a British agent,” as this book proves, and that London was setting up Germany, and the rest of the world, for devastation. The Jew hangout was used so that the German people did not look to London as the real puppet-masters of the Nazi horde, and thus the real enemy of the German people.

Likewise now the same hangout is getting more and more play, as the word spreads that New York City was nuked on 9/11/01-- BY ITS OWN REGIME-- with the resultant China Syndrome of releasing cancer-causing radiation to millions of metro New York inhabitants, and 9/11 responders. So yes, the intel agency controlled internet blogs, forums, sites, must censor out all info that proves the regime’s use of nukes on 9/11, and the China Syndrome result; lest the people wake up, realize they have nothing to lose and revolt; and remove the mass murderers in their midst, and in control of their very existence. Hint: They obviously fear that it is doable!

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