Humint Events Online: Hating America

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Hating America

It's always amusing how the right-wing loves to say how liberals hate America, when the right is filled with at least as much, if not more hate, for America.

The fact is that reasonable and decent people often called liberals have every reason to hate certain bloodthirsty, venal and corrupt American institutions (e.g. the "military industrial media complex") and traditions (e.g. going to war to kill large numbers of people-- especially foreigners-- on a regular basis).

In contrast, the right tends to hate people who they view as insufficiently patriotic or people who they view as different from their perception of the mainstream. The right also tends to be motivated by religious beliefs more than the left, which shows a lack of critical thinking on the part of the right. All in all, given their more-or-less blind support for the Iraq war and for Bush, I'd say the right is pretty much fucked up in the head.


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