Humint Events Online: Aircraft Parts Around the WTC-- Evidence of Plane Crashes or Planted Evidence or Both?

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Aircraft Parts Around the WTC-- Evidence of Plane Crashes or Planted Evidence or Both?

One of the "best" collection of plane part pictures and plane part witnesses for the WTC that I've seen is here.

The idea of the pictures and testimonies, of course, is that they are supposed to disprove the no-plane theory by showing how much plane debris was found around the WTC.

The two major explanations for these pictures and witness accounts of plane debris are:
1) the debris was real-- originated from planes that crashed into the towers
2) the debris was fake (either planted or the pictures faked)

Now, to be bona fide evidence of WTC plane debris, the picture should: show clear plane debris, show the debris in context (at some identifiable WTC location) and preferably be a shot taken on the day of 9/11-- not some much later time-point.

In the page, there are 27 pictures. Only 14 of these pictures clearly show airplane debris. Of these 14 pictures, only 7 show context and are on the day of 9/11-- and of these 7, two pictures show the same object (the ludicrous tire in the columns)-- so really this is only 6 pieces of debris. Of course, all of these pieces together are a tiny, tiny fraction of what would be expected for a plane crash. It almost goes without saying that all 6 of these pieces could be planted without too much trouble -- and it is clear that the engine and the two wheels are suspect (the engine and one wheel are both under scaffolding, the other wheel is only loosely stuck between the columns and we are supposed to believe this survived a thousand foot fall).

Overall, if there are these pictures, there should be far more clear pictures of WTC aircraft debris if the debris is "real". Are these sitting somewhere unpublished? Why would so few pictures be on the web if they are trying to convince people that there were crashed aircraft that produced debris?

Then there is stuff like this-- which makes no sense, and probably represents such obviously planted debris that now the perps don't want to draw any further attention to it.

Now, there still is the issue of the plane debris eyewitnesses, a large number of whom have been compiled on the page. With the exception of the bullshit passport story, this evidence is striking. Of course, there are problems with this evidence, much like the pictorial evidence. Much of the testimony firemen, EMTs and policemen is recounted much later, when the airplane story had been pounded into the public consciousness. These people could have seen real debris, but they may well have also seen planted debris, building debris that looked like plane parts, had faulty memories or even lied about seeing debris.

One thing that is bizarre about all the descriptions of big pieces of plane debris is how the videos show the south tower plane slicing into the tower with virtually nothing breaking off, and with very limited debris being ejected out the other side. The north tower hit was at a higher spot on the tower, with lighter columns, and thus it is difficult to see why that plane would have more debris break off going in than the south tower plane. Perhaps more debris would have exited out the other side of the north tower, and this does correspond to the plane tires that were found.

Another odd part of the testimonies is how many refer to engine pieces hitting cars-- yet there are no pictures of this. And how many engines WERE there, anyway?

This is the funniest story: "One security officer reported that while the engine of the first plane had landed in the [Marriot] swimming pool, everyone in the health club was fine, and all were being brought to the lobby."

It's a bit odd that if the engine actually made it through WTC1, to land on the Marriot (crashed through the roof?), that it wouldn't have gone much FURTHER-- like, for instance, the landing gear wheel.


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