Humint Events Online: Top Physicists Put Out Laughable Hangout to Hide The Truth of the Perennial (?) Destruction of CERN’s LHC

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Top Physicists Put Out Laughable Hangout to Hide The Truth of the Perennial (?) Destruction of CERN’s LHC

by The Anonymous Physicist

I had predicted at this blog, that OTHERS would interfere with the CERN’s LHC, as it appeared capable of creating black holes and worm holes. See here:, and here:

Creating either black holes or worm holes could be involved in either Quarantine escape, by our cosmic criminal creators (CCCs) -- ultimately responsible for all the evil and chaos our species exhibits -- or in destruction of the Earth, or of the Human species.

After several LHC-interference events, two leading physicists have actually put out the most laughable claptrap, since disinfo agent/physicist Luis Alvarez actually published some foul gibberish that Oswald could have shot Kennedy from behind without violating the fundamental, and inviolable, Law of Conservation of Momentum. Here Drs. Holger Bech Nielsen and Masao Ninomiya are claiming that finding the Higgs Boson -- the proposed particle that imparts mass to objects -- must be such a bad thing, that someone or some force, in the future, is traveling back in time to interfere with the LHC. Other physicists would say this is either a logical or physical impossibility.

All it proves is my hypothesis that the LHC -- if its true purpose is as stated above -- will be perennially interfered with. And some excuse must be given, by the PTB down here, to hide the true nature of the interference, and its origin. More in the Quarantine book here:

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